Hemophilia in Kids — Signs and Treatment Options
Hemophilia is a rare medical condition in which blood does not clot normally due to a lack of sufficient blood-clotting proteins in it. It is a genetic disorder and those who suffer from hemophilia bleed for a long time even after they just get a minor cut or after any kind of injury. If left untreated, this problem can be fatal as it can lead to bleeding in the brain. The following article discusses the symptoms and treatment of hemophilia in kids. Symptoms of hemophilia The signs and symptoms of hemophilia can vary based on the level of clotting factors. If the child’s clotting-factor level is not very low, he or she is likely to bleed only after trauma and surgery as the condition is then classified as mild hemophilia. But, if his or her deficiency level is severe, they are likely to experience spontaneous bleeding. Signs of spontaneous bleeding Excessive and unexplained bleeding from cuts or injuries It can include many large or deep bruises Unusual bleeding after vaccinations Pain, swelling, or tightness in the child’s joints Blood in their urine or stool Nosebleeds without a known cause In infants, unexplained irritability may be noticed Bleeding into the brain Among kids with symptoms of severe hemophilia, any simple bump on the head can cause bleeding into the brain.