Types and Treatments for Oral Cancer
Oral cancer occurs inside or in any part of the mouth and is also known as oral cavity cancer. The uncontrollable growth of cells spreads and causes damage to the surrounding tissues and the parts that get affected are lips, gums, tongue, and the inner lining of the cheek. Factors that contribute to individuals having a higher risk of oral cancer are chain-smoking and the consumption of alcohol.
Treatment methods for oral cancer are dependent on the symptoms of the condition and these are as follows:
- Swelling
- Lump in the cheek
- Sore throat
- Bleeding from the mouth
- Numbness
There may be more symptoms such as mouth sores, mouth pain, white or red patches in the mouth area, difficulty in swallowing and others.
Types of oral cancer
By region:
- Lips cancer : Lip area is the most commonly affected area in oral cancer cases. If diagnosed earlier, it can be treated with surgery without the need for radiation therapy.
- Tongue cancer : Tongue cancer occurs in the front two-thirds of the tongue and is highly risky for spreading to the lymph nodes within the neck.
- Gum and jaw cancer : It occurs in the upper and lower gums as the name suggests. It is caused because of the heavy usage of alcohol or tobacco. It is usually treated by the partial or full segment removal of the upper or lower jawbone or facial reconstruction.
By specific type:
- Squamous cell carcinoma : In this case, squamous cell carcinoma develops when some squamous cells mutate and become abnormal, causing oral cancer. As the throat and mouth are lined with such cells, more than ninety percent of cancer occurs in the oral cavity because of this.
- Lymphoma : It is cancer that is developed in lymph tissue, which is a part of the immune system. The lymph tissue is present in the tonsils and the base of the tongue.
- Salivary gland carcinomas : There are several salivary glands in the mouth and the cells present get affected, resulting in cancer. Glands located throughout the lining of the mouth and throat can get affected.
The following are the treatment methods of oral cancer
- Surgery: Surgery is one of the most advised treatment methods for oral cancer. It is carried out to remove the unhealthy tissue around the mouth and neck area and is the best option for cancer diagnosed at its early stages.
- Chemotherapy: Under this treatment, cancer cells are killed by administering drugs intravenously or orally. However, as the drugs target not only the cancerous cells but the healthy cells too, this leads to severe side-effects like hair loss and a weakened immune system.
- Radiation therapy: Under this treatment, a person undergoes beams of high energy X-rays that damage the DNA inside the tumor cells, which destroys their ability to reproduce.
- Targeted therapy: This method is the most effective one out of the treatment methods for oral cancer for both early and advanced stages of cancer. Under this therapy, drugs bind to specific proteins on cancer cells and interfere with their growth.
The treatment methods for oral cancer depend on the specific type, stage, location in the mouth, and other factors. Early diagnosis is crucial because treating stage 1 and stage 2 cancers may have a higher chance of success.