Tips for Pet-Friendly Hotel Stays

Tips for Pet-Friendly Hotel Stays

Planning to travel with your pets? We will provide you with some useful tips for pet-friendly hotel travel to make your stay convenient and pleasant with your dog and for other hotel guests.

  • Visit a vet
    Before planning to travel with your pet, a visit to a vet is important to make sure that your pet’s vaccines are up-to-date. Tips for pet-friendly hotel travel include ensuring that the pet is healthy and fit to travel. One should inform the vet about the place of travel so that if any precautions are required to be taken due to environmental changes, one should get them done to enjoy a hassle-free vacation.
  • Identification tags
    When planning a trip with pets, one of the important tips for pet-friendly hotel travel to follow is getting pet tags with identification details. This is to ensure that if by any chance your pet gets lost in a new destination, the identification tag would be quite convenient for you to track your pet and also keep you tension free from the fear of losing your pet. You can opt for tags with contact details or chips to be implanted in your pet’s fur to ensure their safety.
  • Reservation
    Another tip for pet-friendly hotel travel includes choosing a hotel that allows you to bring a pet. Also, it is important to inform the hotel about your pet as many hotels have certain restrictions like the number of pets allowed or certain size limits. A precautionary nominal amount called the damage deposit is also charged by some hotels. The deposit, of course, is usually refundable in case you leave the hotel without damaging any property. While making a reservation, pet owners should consider taking ground level rooms as some pets get anxious while using elevators or lifts, which might cause unnecessary inconvenience to fellow travelers as well.
  • Ensuring a comfortable space
    One of the tips for pet-friendly hotel travel includes carrying your pet’s favorite toy or bowl in which they eat. This is to make them feel at home. Also, carrying your pet’s food is a great idea as some pets might suffer from stomach problems because of a change in their diet.
  • Clean up after your dog
    It’s your duty as a pet owner to clean up after your dog. It is important to make sure that you carry enough bags along with you while traveling. Also, it is advisable to carry a sheet to spread it on the bed and upholstery to avoid muddy paws and pet hair all over your hotel room.
  • Safety precautions
    Always leave your number at the front desk, especially when you’re leaving your pet behind in a crate or just walking down some distance to grab something to eat. If your pet realizes that you’re missing, it pet might get anxious and start barking or howling causing inconvenience to others.

One of the most important tips for pet-friendly hotel travel is to ensure that before you leave your hotel room, you clear up all the mess. Not clearing up might cost you extra charges.