Easy Tips to Apply Eyeshadow on Large Eyes
Having large, round eyes are considered a blessing, especially for women. Your eyes are the first things that people notice when they meet you and when you have prominent and beautiful eyes, you instantly look attractive. Many women with large eyes do not know how to make them look attractive and beautiful as they are not aware of these essential eyeshadow application hacks. When you use the shades and brushes the right way, you can make your eyes look glamorous every day. Here are some eyeshadow application hacks for every eye shape, with special focus on large eyes.
- Prep your eyes before applying eyeshadow
Prepping is a very important step in eye makeup if you want to look stunning. Primers for eyes are like foundations and concealers for the rest of the face. These prep the eyelids and make eye shadow colors look brighter. Try using the same eyeshadow with a primer on one eye and without any primer on the other. You will clearly see the difference. This one of the important eyeshadow application hacks for every eye shape that will make you look great every single time. - Pick darker eye shadows
Lighter eye shadows make the features of your face more prominent while darker eye shadows draw attention away from other areas to your beautiful, dark and bold eyes. The darker the eyeshadow, the more attractive your eyes will look. You can make people take notice of your wonderfully big eyes with darker shadows. - Use shimmers
This eyeshadow application hack for every eye shape includes the use of glittery, shimmery colors over the eyelids. For bigger eyes, the use of glittery eyeshadows takes your makeup to the next level. You will look like you have stepped out of a professional salon when you walk out with shimmery eyes. Try bolder metallic colors in shimmery shades to complete your look. - Add a touch of white to the inner corners
By concentrating on the inner corners of your eyes, you emphasize the round shape. You can apply plain or shimmery white eyeshadow sparingly on the inner corners of both eyes. This will instantly make your eyes attractive and the rest of your make up look lovely. - Try unique shades
With big eyes, you have more area to work your eyeshadow. This is why you should not stop with just plain black and brown for your eyes. Experiment with colorful eyeshadow shades and when you want to use two or more colors, just make sure to blend them well. This eyeshadow application hack for every eye shape will broaden your tolerance to new makeup styles and tricks and you will look bolder and more confident.
Use these eyeshadow application hacks for every eye shape to get the best results from your eyeshadow. Make sure you pick products from reputed brands to ensure they are easy to work with and bring great results.