Common Eye Problems in Children
Eye related problems in children usually start emerging especially from the age of 18 months to 4 years. New-borns and infants are equally susceptible to eye problems. Watery eyes, focusing problems, and blurriness are some symptoms of eye problems in children. It is very important to identify vision problems to avoid complications that might hamper a child’s vision permanently. Regular eye examination routines should be followed to keep a check on a child’s vision so that if any problem is detected, it could be treated without any delay.
Main types of eye conditions:
- Amblyopia
Lazy eye or amblyopia is one of the main types of eye conditions that children usually suffer from. This type of eye problem usually affects one eye. This is due to the lack of coordination between the brain and the eye i.e., the brain is unable to recognize the signals of one eye. Due to the poor coordination, the brain depends on the other eye strongly and slowly the weaker eye’s vision starts getting worse. Amblyopia usually affects children at a very small age and can cause vision loss if left undiagnosed and untreated. Squinting of an eye, head tilting and double vision are some symptoms shown by children with amblyopia. - Strabismus
One of the main types of eye conditions is strabismus, which is also known as crossed eyes. This type of eye problem causes misalignment i.e., the eyes do not line up together and can turn either inward, outward, upward, or downward. This misalignment causes focus problems and so both the eyes are unable to look at the same object at the same time. This type of eye problem usually affects children between 1 and 4 years of age. Poor muscle movements and family history are some factors that can cause strabismus in children. Usually, there are no symptoms shown by children with this eye problem and regular eye checkups can help prevent this type of eye problem. - Childhood tearing
Nasolacrimal duct or the duct pipe in each eye is responsible for draining out the tears from the eyes to the nose. When this duct pipe does not let proper draining out of tears, it causes the eyes with overflowing tears, resulting in mucus accumulation around the eyes. One of the main types of eye conditions, childhood tearing can be visible in the first few months. It is therefore very important to take immediate treatment so as to avoid serious eye conditions like glaucoma. - Conjunctivitis
One of the main types of eye conditions includes conjunctivitis, also known as pink eye. It is the inflammation caused in the conjunctiva, a thin membrane that covers the whites of the eyeballs. This eye problem usually affects infants and young children. It is usually caused due to bacteria and viruses. It is an eye problem that is quite contagious and can spread easily by touching the affected eye.
Parents should plan regular eye examination routines for children to rule out any problems related to vision. If they notice any symptoms in their children that may point towards an eye condition, it is better to get them checked before the symptoms aggravate.