Top 10 Ways to Quit Smoking for Good
Every smoker knows that the habit is a bad one with terrible repercussions. Unfortunately, it is one of the hardest habits to break. If you’re trying to stop smoking, here are the most effective methods for smoking cessation. Consider nicotine replacers When you stop smoking, headaches and mood swings are a common side effect. Nicotine patches and gums can help ease this transition and improve the chances of successfully quitting cigarettes. Get a support system Even if you have tried earlier and failed, do tell your friends and family when you are trying to quit smoking. They can keep you motivated and help get over mood swings. You could even consider joining a support group. Avoid triggers Alcohol is one of the most common smoking triggers. Avoiding evening drinks and bars makes the process of quitting smoking easier. Similarly, if you crave a cigarette with your morning coffee, consider switching to tea instead. Get rid of tobacco smells One of the most effective methods for smoking cessation is to avoid places that smell of nicotine. Within your own home, clean the carpets, curtains, linen and everything else that smells of nicotine. Use scented air fresheners to make your home smell better.