Simple and Healthy Fruit Snacks for Kids
Fresh fruits are one of the most healthy foods kids can have, but many parents find it difficult to incorporate fruits into their kids’ diets. To ensure that kids get the required intake of 3-4 servings of fruits every day, you can whip up some delicious and colorful snacks with them. Here are 6 healthy and easy fruit snack recipes for kids: Pear sandwich Core the center of a pear and slice it in circles, as discs or wedges. Spread some peanut butter over a slice, sprinkle crunchy granola and some chocolate buttons, and cover it with another pear disc or wedge. Kids will enjoy biting into these, and as a variation, you could also add some mozzarella cheese and tomatoes to this healthy and easy-to-make snack for kids. This will make the snack rich in vitamin C, potassium, and fiber. Pineapple popsicle Tropical summer fruits like pineapples are excellent sources of vitamin C, potassium, and iron, and kids cannot resist delicious fruit popsicles. You can make it more healthy by adding some bananas and oranges as well. Simply puree all the fresh fruits, pour it into popsicle molds, freeze, and hand the frozen fruit treats to kids. If you wish to try a typical tropical flavor, puree fresh pineapple with coconut shavings, along with a hint of vanilla extract.