Common Food Allergies and their Triggers
Food allergies are extremely common. These allergies are caused when your body mistakes harmless food for something that could make you sick. If you consume food that your body is allergic to, you might get itchy eyes, rash on the skin, or something even more severe. Food allergies can be serious. However, you must know the types and main triggers of allergies so you can avoid those foods.
In this article, we will discuss some of the types and main triggers of allergies so you can be aware of what to avoid.
- Egg
Egg allergy is most common in children. Having said that, 50 percent of them grow out of it by the age of 16. In rare cases, egg allergy can lead to anaphylaxis. Eggs are a rich source of protein. However, proteins such as ovalbumin, ovomucoid, and conalbumin present in eggs can trigger serious allergic reactions. Sometimes, cooking the eggs helps to destroy a few of these allergens. - Fish
Fish allergy is a common food allergy that is more prevalent in adults than in children. People who are allergic to one type of fish like cod, often also react to other varieties such as mackerel, hake, whiting, and haddock. This is because the allergens are almost similar in all types of fish. Also, cooking does not destroy the allergens in fish. In fact, there are many cases where people are allergic to cooked fish but not raw fish. - Cow’s milk
This is another common food allergy seen in children. This allergy mostly gets triggered when children are exposed to cow’s milk before they are six months old. However, most of them outgrow this condition, which is why milk allergy is less common in adults.
If a child is diagnosed with cow’s milk allergy, the only treatment is to avoid milk and all byproducts from this type of milk like milk powder, butter, cheese, yogurt, cream, and ice cream. In rare cases, milk allergy can lead to anaphylaxis. - Nuts
This type of allergy usually lasts for a lifetime. The most common nuts that can trigger an allergy include almonds, walnuts, hazelnuts, pecans, cashews, pine nuts, Brazil nuts, macadamia nuts, etc. Nut allergy can many times cause serious symptoms in people. Thus, it is always better to talk to your health consultant regarding this type of allergy. - Wheat
Wheat allergy is quite commonly seen in children nowadays. A protein, known as gliadin, found in wheat is known to trigger the allergy. This protein is found in gluten. It is for this reason that people with wheat allergy are advised to consume a gluten-free diet. - Soybean
Soybean allergy is common in children who are below 2 years of age. As they grow up, they grow out of it. The symptoms of this allergy are similar to milk allergy. It can cause diarrhea, rashes, stomach cramps and vomiting. Very rarely this allergy can lead to anaphylaxis.
These are some of the common types and main triggers of allergies caused by food. Knowing about these in detail will help you avoid all the food items that trigger any symptoms.